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Climbing the mountain

Jason Fisher

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

"Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there." ~Marcus Washling

As we discussed in our first blog, Devon Prep Basketball has grown tremendously over the last ten years. There have been numerous changes both on and off the court that have aided in the growth of the program. Due to all of those changes and through the hard work of the players and coaches, the program has reached new heights. While we will never reach the ‘top of the mountain’ as Marcus Washling references, we will always be striving to! There are many ways other programs attempt to grow - one way is not necessarily better than the other. At Devon Prep we strongly believe that we can use basketball to teach valuable life lessons that transcend the sport. We stress four core principles that apply to not only basketball but life: accountability, hard work, gratitude and toughness. We call them our FOUNDATIONS! By focusing on these fundamental core principles daily, we are constantly able to climb the mountain one small step at a time. These four principles are things that we all can relate to and apply to everything we do - on and off the court! They are things that we can always refer back to when things are going well or more importantly, when things are not going well. These are the things that we focus on in our attempt to grow - our attempt to climb the mountain! The Devon Prep basketball program wanted to also take a minute and wish everyone good luck as they start their school years! We hope that this year is a great one and you each make progress climbing up your own “mountain!"


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